Just Say No to Non-Christian Customers, Right?

The problem with the recent issues with some Christian business owners’ refusals to serve gay couples is this: they’re going after the small stuff, the stuff that’s not really emphasized in the Bible, the stuff that’s just the background noise for the bigger stuff. Don’t like gay couples marrying? Fine, I understand. You don’t like gay couples in general. I get that.

But why are you turning your eyes from the really big problems, the ones that the Bible explicitly condemns? Why are you so eager to serve the rich who abuse the poor, the greedy who steal from the weak, the powerful who beat down the lives of the oppressed? Why are you eager to please the people who put self above God, who worship power and death, violence and hate, faithlessness and dishonesty, empty promises and stolen dreams?

It would seem to me that a “Christian” business that wanted to serve God by serving people would embrace the poor and needy, the forgotten and neglected, the weak and powerless, the dishonored and marginalized. It would seem to me that a “Christian” wanting to run a business by the principles of Jesus would be just and fair with employees, would pay a fair wage, would see economic and social justice, would love the most unlovable, and would, like Jesus, be happy to show up for a party for even the worst of sinners.

That to me would be operating as a Christian business. This nonsense that “Christianity” is best represented by refusing service to gay couples is just that—nonsense. There is nothing “Christian” about this except the people involved in being bigoted are using the name “Christian” to cover up their bigotry.

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