See. here’s the thing, Christians: we have an opportunity to speak out about injustice to our fellow humans, our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, and we are largely silent or even supporting the whitewash in #Ferguson.
We were so righteously angry over same-sex marriage and Chik-Fil-A. We were so righteously angry over a baker and a wedding photographer being told to obey the law. How dare people ask us to violate our consciences!
But here we have yet another clear example of people here in these United States who do not have the assurance of their civil rights being protected and do not have the assurance that they will not be killed randomly in the name of the law, and we are either silent or, even more shockingly, publicly praising this breakdown in justice.
These are actual people being gunned down, here in the United States, and they are nearly always without the protection of the law, of society, and, sadly, the church.
We wonder why we have no witness in America, why we have no power in our preaching, why our churches are emptying and why our children and grandchildren are leaving the faith.
It is because they see this, the silence on obvious oppression and wrong, and an unholy emphasis on the unnecessary. We do not have the power of the cross in our preaching and in our lives, and we have nothing to offer except the theology of the trivial.