Somehow What Matters Doesn’t Matter

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when tens of millions of children in America go to bed hungry.

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when millions of women in America can’t afford a place for their families to sleep.

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when millions of veterans in America don’t have pensions large enough to keep them off food stamps.

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when millions of men in America are unjustly jailed and removed from their families.

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when the rich in America control church and national policy.

Somehow Christians don’t get upset when pastors in America rob their flocks of millions of dollars to pay for personal indulgences.

But somehow Christians dial their anger up to 11 when some people in America are allowed to marry.

That freedom–which affects no Christian in their worship of God or in their obedience to his commands–somehow has become the most important thing in the world to oppose.

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