Is Paris Worth the Price of a Mass?

Henry-IV-France-2Shocking revelation:
No political party or interest group is without bias, and that includes conservative Evangelicals.

Also shocking:
No political party or interest group (including Evangelicals) represents themselves or their opponents perfectly.

And also shocking:
Political parties or interest groups (including Evangelicals) that literally betray their primary authenticizing principles are quite rightly seen as hypocritical.

If Evangelicals hold to the truth that God is love, neighbors are valuable, children are treasures, the poor are the cherished of God, the rich deserve no elevation but only pity, and that truth and justice are the especial delights of God–and yet by their actions they betray every one of these because “we must have the fifth seat on the Supreme Court”–then what’s it all for?

What do we win as Evangelicals if we betray our most central principles, abandon our primary beliefs, toss aside our God and his values?

“Paris is worth the price of a mass” said Henry IV of France in 1593, who abandoned his faith to choose another because it was politically advantageous.

What will our children and neighbors see of the value of our religion then?

That we won?

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