My Life in Music: Day 4

Close up of James Taylor singing.

Music is human connection

I was given the task by a friend of choosing 10 songs that greatly influenced me. I will post one song per day, for 10 consecutive days. Each song draws the picture more clearly, showing what has inspired me or just given me solace.

Today is getting into first gear.

What with instrumental pieces like Bach and Holst there was the enjoyment of being in the music. But then with these songs the words also begin to become more important. Without the music and the rhythm, perhaps the creation would have been powerful still. Put them together and it becomes a new thing.

This is James Taylor with the cover for “You’ve Got a Friend” (written by Carole King).

There are several streams here of why this speaks to me. One is that I enjoy the balance here of the instrumentation and the voice. For me, this makes the song carry something about the human creation and expression. We are more than the words we speak, of course, but we can communicate with words as an art form in itself.

The words here are meaningful, but they have many meanings. There is the meaning to the singer, who makes the promise. And there is meaning to the listener, who is made the promise. Both are there, in the moment, and the connection is made. The assurance is given. The hope is held out, freely, for the taking.

I was torn between Carole King and James Taylor because they both have the style of intimacy of music that attracts me. So if I could do a twin day, it would be both. The slight nudge is just one of personal preference.

The bridge is my favorite part. But enjoy the whole song.

You’ve Got a Friend
Written by Carole King
Performed by James Taylor

Ain’t it good to know that you’ve got a friend
When people can be so cold
They’ll hurt you, yes, and desert you
And take your soul if you let them
Oh, but don’t you let them

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