avocado, split in half. The bottom half is the entire avocado, and the top half shows the top part of the seed.

My Year So Far

My previous post was in January of this year. It’s just turned June. Where did the time go?

Ki kote m ye?

It is weird to me that I can read these materials and kinda get the gist of them, but golly they are way more complex (to me) as an English-speaking student who has so little comprehension of Haitian culture and idioms.

Six people participate in a close group hug.

#WakingUpWhite Chapter 25: Belonging

This chapter is about the tendency of white folks to feel like they belong everywhere. Ms. Irving focuses on the school environment, because she was a volunteer or participant at so many levels, including being on committees to help bring about and embrace “diversity.”

News and Updates

So here’s what’s going down… Some of you might know that I’ve been thinking about and writing about issues of … More

Does History Matter?

I’m involved in life, like many people, and one thing that fascinates me is how we forget our past when … More

Chief of Sinners

Recently I joined a group of people who are working diligently to expose, root out, combat, and overturn racism in … More

Is Paris Worth the Price of a Mass?

Shocking revelation:No political party or interest group is without bias, and that includes conservative Evangelicals. Also shocking:No political party or … More

A Jury of One’s Peers

You may (or may have not) seen video circulating recently showing the last moments of black American men shot by … More

What Must We Then Do?

I’m a Christian, and I also believe in the power of reason. I don’t think anyone is convinced to switch … More

Awash in a Sea of Tears

Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthian Believers, Chapter 10, lines 3-6 “For though we walk in the flesh, we are … More

A Poem for Advent

America 2012 Twenty children were shot   Charlotte Bacon, 6and six adults in one of   Daniel Barden, 7the greatest tragedies   Olivia … More