The short answer is “Yes.” The longer answer is more nuanced, because of course I don’t see or experience my…
Christ-follower in All Things I don’t get it that Christians claim they need guns to “protect” themselves in America. We aren’t in Somalia…
Snoqualmie’s Bad Hire Puts North Bend at Risk
Officer Nicholas Hogan of the Snoqualmie Police Department was hired by Snoqualmie after being fired by the City of Tukwila…
Be the Church
Protect the environment. Care for the poor. Forgive often. Reject racism. Fight for the powerless. Share earthly and spiritual resources.…
What About ‘Those People’? Why Don’t They Fix Their Own Lives?
“Why don’t ‘those people’ fix their own lives and culture instead of rioting all the time?” I hear this question…
When We Would Tell Others
There is an awesome story in the Christian New Testament where Peter and Jesus (post-resurrected, not-yet-ascended) have an interaction about…
Is Truth Nihilism? A Response to Some Charges about “Between the World and Me”
First off–I’m not a trained philosopher. I don’t have special insight. I just have my opinions. And I haven’t finished…
Why Pursue Justice?
Why pursue justice for our brothers and sisters? Why not sit back? Let someone else speak out, someone else march,…
What Must We Then Do?
I’m a Christian, and I also believe in the power of reason. I don’t think anyone is convinced to switch…
Somehow What Matters Doesn’t Matter
Somehow Christians don’t get upset when tens of millions of children in America go to bed hungry. Somehow Christians don’t…
Review: Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County: A Family, a Virginia Town, a Civil Rights Battle
Something Must Be Done About Prince Edward County: A Family, a Virginia Town, a Civil Rights Battle by Kristen Green…
Questions for Christians Searching for Answers
From the Internets. Some questions to ask before insisting that your version of Christianity should be mandated as a rule…
Being Jesus to the World We Live In
We always had the chance to be Christian. To be like Christ. To be loving and sacrificial, to care for…
Black Lives Matter or All Lives Matter?
Someone asked recently “Why isn’t it ‘All Lives Matter’?” Here’s my response: When a house is burning down you send…
How Marriage Equality Affects You
Here’s the real scoop: A quick guide to how the Supreme Court decision on marriage affects you. (h/t/ Kai Bolger)…
Symbols and Signposts
Recently a friend forwarded a link to me and asked me to comment on it. I’ll post the link here,…
Just Words / Just Words
Much of what is happening now in the world of the Internet and the media focuses on several issues: The…
The Love that Dares Not Be Declaimed
It is not inexplicable. Look up that word. It does not define what it happening. This was recently posted about…
How Do I Fight White Racism Myself?
I have friends who ask me “But what can I do as a white person to fight racism?” I will…
A Gospel for Christians in a Time of Charleston
You know, my brothers and sisters in Christ, I have heard you say for years, for decades really, that you…
TyWanza Sanders
I want to share more about someone who was killed this week in Charleston. TyWanza Sanders. He was 26, a…
This Is True. Look It Up. And Watch the News
I have to tell us white people some very difficult truths about America. First of all, black Africans have been…
We Are Waiting for Your Leadership, Church Leaders
I go to a great church and have a great pastor (Hi, Monty in Uganda leading a mission!), but I…
Say Their Names
Say their names.Clementa Pinckney, 41.Pastor of the church.Shot dead.He was a state senator, a leader in the community.Nine people were…
Kalief Browder, 22, Falsely Accused, Jailed for 3 Years, Dies
#KaliefBrowder This man was a human being, a child loved by his parents, a man who had three years of…
Just Say No to Non-Christian Customers, Right?
The problem with the recent issues with some Christian business owners’ refusals to serve gay couples is this: they’re going…
What Is a Christian?
Short answer: why are you asking me? You can figure it out yourself. Long answer: well, let’s put it this…