Do I Have Privilege?

The short answer is “Yes.” The longer answer is more nuanced, because of course I don’t see or experience my…

Christ-follower in All Things I don’t get it that Christians claim they need guns to “protect” themselves in America. We aren’t in Somalia…

Be the Church

Protect the environment. Care for the poor. Forgive often. Reject racism. Fight for the powerless. Share earthly and spiritual resources.…

When We Would Tell Others

There is an awesome story in the Christian New Testament where Peter and Jesus (post-resurrected, not-yet-ascended) have an interaction about…

Why Pursue Justice?

Why pursue justice for our brothers and sisters? Why not sit back? Let someone else speak out, someone else march,…

What Must We Then Do?

I’m a Christian, and I also believe in the power of reason. I don’t think anyone is convinced to switch…

Symbols and Signposts

Recently a friend forwarded a link to me and asked me to comment on it. I’ll post the link here,…

Just Words / Just Words

Much of what is happening now in the world of the Internet and the media focuses on several issues: The…

TyWanza Sanders

I want to share more about someone who was killed this week in Charleston. TyWanza Sanders. He was 26, a…

Say Their Names

Say their names.Clementa Pinckney, 41.Pastor of the church.Shot dead.He was a state senator, a leader in the community.Nine people were…

What Is a Christian?

Short answer: why are you asking me? You can figure it out yourself. Long answer: well, let’s put it this…